豆瓣评分9.1英国益智动画片《小鼠波波 Maisy》英文版 第2季 全13集 又名:小鼠波波和他的朋友们 MP4/1080P超清 百度网盘下载插图爱书网–中小学课件学习

  小鼠波波maisy 》动画改编自英国著名插画家露西·卡森(Lucy Cousins)的同名儿童绘本。特点是画风可爱, 有旁白无对白,低幼类动画,适合2-4岁的宝宝做英语启蒙。
  Maisy videos are created by Lucy Cousins specifically for very young children. Maisy is a lovable mouse who finds even the most everyday things enchanting. Cousins’s simple, brightly colored, animated pictures feature bold graphics of Maisy and her friends gesturing, babbling, and acting like typical children. A narrator provides the barest of commentary, and each episode is punctuated with a popular children’s song. In “Playground,” Maisy and her animal friends spend an enjoyable day together at the playground. These lucky friends even get treats from the ice cream man. Maisy sets off for a sail in “Boat,” and shares a snack with a seagull and some fish, plays ball with a dolphin and octopus, and then gets a push home from a friendly whale. In “Bike,” Maisy, Charley, and Tallulah take turns on Maisy’s bike and work together to find it when it gets misplaced. “Ball” finds Tallulah and Maisy searching for a good place to play soccer, and “Swing” shows just how inventive Maisy can be. A trip to the “Fair” is full of fun activities. (Ages 1 to 4)

视频名称:小鼠波波  Maisy 第2季
又名:小鼠波波和他的朋友们 Maisy: Birthday and Other Stories / Maisy Mouse
视频语言:英语发音 英文字幕
视频类型:益智 | 友情 | 启蒙


01_Knock Knock; Panda; Follow the Leader; Beach
02_Umbrella; Rollerskates; Feather; Cleaning
03_Library; Squeak; Puppets; Hose
04_Fish; Hiccups; Ice; Puzzle
05_Breakfast; Doctor; Duckling; Swimming
06_Oops; Hide & Squeeze; Dolphin
07_Footprints; Sky; Wheel; Go
08_Mountain; Bubbles; Kangaroo; Sleepover
09_Hello; Chocolate Cake; Toot Toot; Piggy Back
10_Penguins; Sneezes; Hop; Tennis
11_Ferry; Snail; Bounce; Batteries
12_Shopping; Bugs; Hats; Telescope
13_Rowing; Wheelbarrow; Flashlight; Band

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